Lead with Persistence

Lead with Persistence

Mastering Persistence You’re doing a lot, aren’t you? Tackling obstacles, managing people, and just trying to get through the day without pulling your hair out. It’s not easy, but what if I told you that one simple trait can make all the difference?...
Persistence: The Real Business Muscle

Persistence: The Real Business Muscle

In this value-packed episode, Pete Mohr tackles the seventh pillar of purposeful leadership: Persistence. Every entrepreneur faces obstacles. Some mountains, some molehills. But what sets you apart is your ability to stick it out. Don’t just endure hardship;...
Close the Gaps, Elevate Profits

Close the Gaps, Elevate Profits

In this episode, Pete Mohr digs into the sixth pillar of purposeful leadership: Performance. But it’s not just about KPIs. Pete unpacks a holistic approach to performance that stretches beyond mere metrics. Learn how to identify and fill the gaps in your...
Beyond KPIs: Unlock Performance

Beyond KPIs: Unlock Performance

Let’s Talk Performance, Shall We? Let’s get down to brass tacks. You want your business to thrive, but just monitoring the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) isn’t the golden ticket. That’s just scratching the surface. Think of your KPIs as the pulse of...
Pillars of Productivity

Pillars of Productivity

You’re swamped with tasks, right? You’re not alone. You’re probably wondering why things aren’t moving faster. The clock ticks, but your to-do list stays stubbornly long. Let’s deep-dive into productivity—a topic we recently tackled on...