by Peter Mohr | Oct 5, 2021 | Podcast
Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner join me today to discuss their newly released book, “So you Want TO Start A Side Hustle”. They should know, they’ve had several which have turned into millions of dollars of revenue! Not only that, they do it with a young family!...
by Peter Mohr | Sep 28, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Many of our conversations about leadership revolve around the who and what. Who is making decisions? What are their key ideas? But just as important is the how — how you present your ideas and communicate with your team. And that ultimately comes down to language....
by Peter Mohr | Sep 28, 2021 | Podcast
Ray Ciafardini joins me again for another great interview all around the power of language. The words that you use matter and can make you or break you as a leader. Ray’s an NLP coach and goes through some great examples of how words can be misunderstood. So many...
by Peter Mohr | Sep 21, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Being a leader is demanding, no matter what field you are in or the expectations placed on you. The old adage “with great power comes great responsibility” is certainly applicable to being a leader today and many people would argue that we don’t have to have any power...
by Peter Mohr | Sep 21, 2021 | Podcast
Michael Reddy joins me to discuss the idea that leaders often don’t spend enough time planning for their own health, wealth, purpose and relationships. What are the ‘buckets’ to a successful life as a leader in business and how to plan to enjoy them to the fullest?...