Balancing Views for Leadership

Balancing Views for Leadership

Show Outline: Today, Pete Mohr delves into the concept of perspective and how it influences purposeful leadership. He likens running a business to being in an auditorium, where you have to oscillate between the dance floor and the balcony. Down on the dance floor,...
The Unseen Pillars of Professionalism

The Unseen Pillars of Professionalism

You hear the term “professionalism,” and maybe you picture a corporate boardroom filled with suits and ties. But, it’s time to broaden that view. Professionalism is more than what you wear; it’s your business’s backbone, impacting everything...
Raise Your Professionalism Game

Raise Your Professionalism Game

Professionalism: you might think it’s all about suits and ties, but it’s actually the fabric that binds a business together. It’s a cornerstone of how you interact with your team, serve your customers, and even look after yourself. In this episode,...
Lead with Persistence

Lead with Persistence

Mastering Persistence You’re doing a lot, aren’t you? Tackling obstacles, managing people, and just trying to get through the day without pulling your hair out. It’s not easy, but what if I told you that one simple trait can make all the difference?...