Kolbe: Your Hiring Guru

Kolbe: Your Hiring Guru

The Kolbe system breaks down into several components, starting with identifying an individual’s natural instincts through the Kolbe A Index. This isn’t about what someone prefers or believes they’re good at; it’s about how they’ll...
Failing Faster Enhances Growth!

Failing Faster Enhances Growth!

In today’s episode, we dance along the delicate line between safety and the unknown, navigating the business terrain where failing isn’t a misstep but a strategic move. Pete Mohr delves into the concept of failing fast—not as a sign of defeat but as a...
Fail Fast to Succeed Sooner

Fail Fast to Succeed Sooner

Every entrepreneur dreams of a clear path to success, but what if I told you that the quickest route involves stumbling a bit? Yes, you heard that right. Stumbling – or more precisely, failing fast – can be your secret weapon. When you’re at the helm of your...
Raise Your Professionalism Game

Raise Your Professionalism Game

Professionalism: you might think it’s all about suits and ties, but it’s actually the fabric that binds a business together. It’s a cornerstone of how you interact with your team, serve your customers, and even look after yourself. In this episode,...
Beyond KPIs: Unlock Performance

Beyond KPIs: Unlock Performance

Let’s Talk Performance, Shall We? Let’s get down to brass tacks. You want your business to thrive, but just monitoring the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) isn’t the golden ticket. That’s just scratching the surface. Think of your KPIs as the pulse of...