by SE Admin | Nov 9, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Entrepreneurs are notoriously accepting of risk. They have to be, or else they could not take the plunge to start their own business. Unfortunately, new businesses can and do fail — and a good work ethic isn’t enough to save them. Those who believe their...
by SE Admin | Nov 2, 2021 | Pete's Blog
You might think that Performance Management is self-explanatory, but it actually isn’t. Many people misinterpret Performance Management! Our performance in the workplace links to the desired result. So what we do ourselves, managing our actions so we can achieve good...
by Peter Mohr | Oct 26, 2021 | Pete's Blog
A phrase we hear more and more these days is, “trust the process”. One famous example was with the NBA’s Philadelphia 76’ers whose ‘process’ of tanking numerous consecutive seasons to receive high draft picks to then construct a great team had plenty of fans (and...
by Peter Mohr | Oct 19, 2021 | Pete's Blog
The self-help industry is a massive, multibillion-dollar market — and most of it is for entrepreneurs. It makes sense. We entrepreneurs are always looking to better ourselves, enjoy more freedom, and achieve that famous work–life balance. But too many self-help gurus...
by Peter Mohr | Oct 5, 2021 | Pete's Blog
The term ‘side hustle’ entered our vocabulary a few years ago and quickly became familiar, even to the elderly. It’s a great testament to this country’s willingness and determination to succeed in life. However, what people do with their side hustle can be...
by Peter Mohr | Sep 28, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Many of our conversations about leadership revolve around the who and what. Who is making decisions? What are their key ideas? But just as important is the how — how you present your ideas and communicate with your team. And that ultimately comes down to language....