by Peter Mohr | Aug 24, 2021 | Pete's Blog
The secret to a successful business isn’t your management skills, marketing savvy, or even your amazing ideas. It all comes down to the systems you build. A sustainable business runs like a well-oiled machine — so efficient that you can take your hard-earned money and...
by Peter Mohr | Aug 24, 2021 | Pete's Blog
When it comes to being asked the question, “What do you do?” some of us are armed and ready to fire off a rehearsed answer to the question, some us are comfortable summarizing briefly (even reductively) what it is we do and then there are others who struggle to...
by Peter Mohr | Aug 17, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Negotiations should be more like reasonable conversations than hostage situations, but any entrepreneur knows that discussions don’t always go smoothly. Whether you’re speaking to vendors, employees, customers, or anyone else, situations can get heated. Remember that...
by Peter Mohr | Aug 17, 2021 | Podcast
Award winning speaker and former hostage negotiator in the correctional facilities of Ontario, Neil Dunsmore joins me today to discuss how to negotiate through conflict. A topic that every leader needs, and he shares some great practical tips and tools that will help...
by Peter Mohr | Aug 11, 2021 | Pete's Blog
Talking about truth in 2021 can make many of us bristle mentally. For something we were always taught was pure and incontrovertible, the concept of truth these days has become something more flexible, malleable and even interchangeable. Truth is something much more...