Simple Tools For Goal Setting Success!

Simple Tools For Goal Setting Success!

Today we’re talking about goal setting; it’s a continuation of the content we’ve been putting out around planning to make 2022 a great year for your business. Now that you know what you want, it’s time to create a plan to make your goals happen. Like I always...
Being in Sales isn’t Icky!

Being in Sales isn’t Icky!

Providing positive sales experiences is for most people, not something that’s really up for debate. The better experience you provide for buyers, the better for you also, correct? They may return later for further business, let others know about their positive...
Six Words That Can Change Your Life

Six Words That Can Change Your Life

So often in life, we find ourselves feeling trapped. Sometimes our journeys are interrupted by obstacles or roadblocks. Other times, it can feel like the path we chose is completely wrong, like we’re halfway up a ladder we’re just now realizing we don’t want to climb....
Time is money…and it adds up!

Time is money…and it adds up!

We all experience those periods at work when it feels like we are drowning in ‘busy work’. You know, those tasks that are annoying and small but need to be completed. These sorts of tasks eat away at our efficiency, productivity and detract our skills and attention...
Can You Be Both A Good Salesperson and a Good Human?

Can You Be Both A Good Salesperson and a Good Human?

As I’ve often discussed in my writings and podcasts, entrepreneurship always involves sales. All business owners rely on selling in some way. You must persuade someone to give you time, money, or both, and that act of persuasion is a type of sale. Unfortunately,...