Win Over Customers With a Winning Promise

Win Over Customers With a Winning Promise

A couple of years back I came up with an idea for changing your frustrations as a business owner, into freedoms. I call it the 5 P framework. One of those P’s stands for promise. Your promise is an element of your business that you need to nail. If you think about it,...
Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Promise

Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Promise

To be a successful entrepreneur, you must become a leader. And to become a leader, you must earn your audience’s trust. Your personal brand is a large part of that. But it’s more than your profile picture or email sign-off. It’s essentially your...
From Enterprise to Franchise

From Enterprise to Franchise

How to Buy a Franchise with an Entrepreneurial Mindset One of the main reasons people pursue entrepreneurship is to be their own boss. The question is, how can they make that happen? Most aspiring entrepreneurs decide to start their own business. Eventually, they come...